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Armstrong's key quotes from Oprah interview


Updated 18/01/2013 at 09:12 GMT

Read the key quotes by Lance Armstrong from the first part of his televised interview with Oprah Winfrey.

In this Monday, Jan. 14, 2013 photo provided by Harpo Studios Inc., cyclist Lance Armstrong listens to a question from Oprah Winfrey during taping for the show 'Oprah and Lance Armstrong: The Worldwide Exclusive' in Austin, Texas. The two-part episode of

Image credit: Scanpix

"Yes" - On whether he had ever used performance drugs in his cycling career.
"Not in that generation, and I'm not here to talk about others in that generation. It's been well-documented. I didn't invent the culture, but I didn't try to stop the culture, and that's my mistake, and that's what I have to be sorry for, and that's what something and the sport is now paying the price because of that" - on whether he could have won without cheating
"I don't know that I have a great answer. I will start my answer by saying this is too late. It's too late for probably most people. And that's my fault. I view this situation as one big lie that I repeated a lot of times" - On why he decided to finally come clean after years of denials.
"The idea that anyone was forced or pressured or encouraged is not true" - on whether he forced his team mates to cheat.
"My cocktail, so to speak, was only EPO. But not a lot, transfusions, and transfusions. Which, in a weird way, I almost justified because of my history, obviously, with testicular cancer" - on his preferred drug.
"It did not feel wrong ... I did not feel bad about it" - On how he felt at the time.
"The accusation and the alleged proof that they say that I doped after my comeback is not true. The last time I crossed the line, that line, was 2005" - On whether he used drugs after his comeback.
"I was a bully in the sense that I tried to control the narrative" - On accusations that he bullied people.
"I am flawed. Deeply flawed. I think we all have our own flaws" - On his character.
"I will spend the rest of my life trying to earn back trust and apologize to people for the rest of my life" - On what his admission means for his future.
"That story isn't true. There was no positive test. No paying off of the lab. The UCI did not make that go away" - On claims he failed a test at the 2001 Tour of Switzerland and paid the International Cycling Union (UCI) to cover it up.
"I thought I was out of the woods. I just assumed the stories would continue for a long time. We're sitting here because there was a two-year federal criminal investigation" - on whether he thought he would get away with it.
"I love cycling and I say that knowing that people see me as someone who disrespected the sport, the colour yellow. If we can, and I stand on no moral platform here, if there was a truth and reconciliation commission, and I can't call for that, if they have it and I'm invited I'll be first man through the door" - On whether he would co-operate with doping officials on an investigation.
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