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Bell not tolled on Scotland hopes

ByPA Sport

Published 23/05/2013 at 07:44 GMT

New Rangers goalkeeper Cammy Bell does not fear his Scotland ambitions will be wrecked by playing in the Irn-Bru Second Division.

Cameron Bell will officially become a Rangers player on September 1

Image credit: PA Sport

Gordon Strachan named Third Division player of the year Lee Wallace in the travelling party that will head to Croatia for the June 7 World Cup qualifier and Bell believes he could yet add to his sole international cap if he impresses for the side he will officially join on a four-year contract on September 1.
Asked if signing for Rangers would ruin his Scotland chances, he said: "I don't think so. I have spoken to people about this. If I'm playing well and as good as I can for a club the size of Rangers, the manager can't say I won't be used to the fans, because they have got the fan base here."
He added: "I don't see why that would hamper my Scotland chances at all."
Bell follows the lead of David Templeton, Dean Shiels, Ian Black, Francisco Sandaza and Kevin Kyle, ho all left Clydesdale Bank Premier League outfits to join Rangers in the journey back up through Scotland's lower leagues.
He could yet be followed by Dundee United skipper Jon Daly and Motherwell's Nicky Law but he insists dropping down two divisions does not mean he lacks ambition.
"It wasn't a difficult decision for me," Bell said.
"I supported Rangers as a kid and you just have to look at the facilities they have got, the fans they have got.
"It's still the club it used to be, it's just it has had to take a step back. I want to be part of the journey to go forward. I have signed a long-term deal because I want to be part of Rangers getting back to the top.
"I know I have come here to become a better player. The facilities art Murray Park are second to none and if that doesn't make you a better player then I don't know what will."
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