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British Open snooker 2023 as it happened – Jack Lisowski wins after Barry Hawkins beats Stan Moody


Updated 25/09/2023 at 21:39 GMT

Welcome to Eurosport's live text coverage of the 2023 British Open from the Centaur at Cheltenham racecourse. Day 1 will see the likes of Luca Brecel, Judd Trump, Neil Robertson in early action with Mark Selby, John Higgins and Shaun Murphy in the evening. Stream top snooker action live on discovery+, the Eurosport app and at

'Exhibition stuff!' - Trump wows with finish to frame against Lisowski

That'll do us

Thanks for your company tonight, we'll be back from 12.45pm BST tomorrow for more action from the British Open. Night night!

Around the tables

Shaun Murphy 3-1 Rebecca Kenna
Steven Hallworth 0-3 Jimmy Robertson
John Higgins 1-0 Long Zehuang

Jack Lisowski is through to the next round

Joe O'Connor played superbly there, leading twice and registering breaks of 105, 65 and 64. That's pretty handy in a best of seven, but it was trumped by the resilience of Jack Lisowski, who raised the bar to fire in two centuries and a 69 break to force a decider, which he claimed with a rhythmic 77 to win the match. Jack advances but stand up both players, because that was great entertainment.

Lisowski 3-3 O'Connor (64-1)

Frame ball red wipes its feet - Jack's heart will have skipped a beat there - but he goes on to register a 77 to take frame and match!

Lisowski 3-3 O'Connor (64-1)

It's a barrage of reds and blacks as Jack takes his break to 56, inclusive of a superb recover pot on a red to land on the black after losing the cue ball slightly. He's so close now, and the balls he needs are in the open.

Lisowski 3-3 O'Connor (32-1)

Safety ensues, and a belter from Jack forces an error from Joe, who catches his too thick and pushes a red over the bottom left. It's getting nervy, and Jack almost blows position on the black immediately as he clips the red in too thin. His next shot is a belter though, driving the black in and disrupting reds, and this is now a frame-winning chance.

Lisowski 3-3 O'Connor (8-1)

Given the standard you'd fancy a one-hit frame from whoever gets in first, so the opening exchanges here are crucial. Joe gets a look at a red long to the bottom left; he plugs it, and tries to run the white full ball into another red to hold for the black. It's a disaster though, as the white flicks off the target red and lands in the pack. Oh my, Joe is in bother here, snookered on everything. He tries a four-cushion escape to land on the yellow in baulk. It takes three goes to make it, and only does so as the white cops a flier off the knuckle of the right middle and clips the yellow.

Around the tables

Mark Selby 4-2 Ben Woollaston
Shaun Murphy 2-1 Rebecca Kenna
Steven Hallworth 0-2 Jimmy Robertson
John Higgins 1-0 Long Zehuang

Lisowski 3-3 O'Connor

Jack banks the frame with minimal fuss, and clips the final red in along the rail to the bottom right. He's really flowing here, all the way to his second century of the night as he registers 102 before going in-off after potting the pink.
What a match, folks. Type in directions for Shredsville, because that's where we're going.

Lisowski 2-3 O'Connor (51-11)

The high-scoring bonanza continues as Jack reaches a half-century, and with four reds in open positions above the black it's hard to see Joe getting back to the table here. It's been a belting match, and a decider feels fitting.

Lisowski 2-3 O'Connor (28-11)

Jack's first trip into the bunch only dislodges a couple, while his second only leaves a swipe at a red up near the green pocket. If he misses it might be over, but Jack drains it to come down for the blue, a nerveless shot under pressure. It's all there for him to take us to a decider.

Lisowski 2-3 O'Connor (0-11)

Oooh, close; Joe glides in a long red to start frame six, but the white drifts just past the baulk line. Joe tucks Jack in behind the green, from where Jack needs two goes to perfect the one cushion escape to rest on the pack. He's left a red to left middle though, which Joe snicks in before booming in the brown and fortuitously landing on his next red off the high knuckle of the left middle. It's a big chance, especially when he clears the black spot...but he then tries to slow cut the black to bottom right and leaves it in the jaws! What a let off for Jack, who is in here.

Lisowski 2-3 O'Connor

It's 64 in total from Joe, and Jack returns 54 in the hole with 43 on. He pots one red, misses the black to follow, and turns it in.

Lisowski 2-2 O'Connor (11-57)

As we trundle up towards another half-century, there's a brief lull as the score is checked for accuracy. Turns it was right - Joe is on 48, soon made into a half-century by a red with the rest and a black to bottom right. Off said black he nudges frame ball red over the bottom left, and he should restore his lead in the match from here.

Lisowski 2-2 O'Connor (11-26)

Joe is in all sorts from Jack's safety, and in trying to play a containing one in reply he flukes a red in off the brown. It's edgy stuff as he almost goes into the right middle after potting the brown, but he manages to lasso control of the white soon enough and a lovely pot on the pink sees the white gently kiss three clustered reds apart, and this is a chance. Joe will have seen plenty of flukes against him in his career, so he won't be shy about cashing his fortune in.

Lisowski 2-2 O'Connor (11-1)

A rare bird in this match sighted here - we've got us a safety exchange to open frame five. Joe punctuates by crunching in a long red before tucking Jack in behind the brown, only for Jack to Houdini a three-cushion escape. It leaves a red to bottom right from short range, but a poor effort from Joe sees it miss by a mile. He could regret that and then some, as Jack cuts the offending red in and sets about stitching a break together. It goes wrong in a big way on 11 though, as an inadvertent kiss on a red leaves Jack marooned behind the pack, with no pot on a colour.

Around the tables

Mark Selby 3-2 Ben Woollaston
Shaun Murphy 0-1 Rebecca Kenna
Steven Hallworth 0-0 Jimmy Robertson

Lisowski 2-2 O'Connor

One additional brow later, this one's finished. Bang, bang, Joe's lead was shot down; two rapid fire frames from Jack have drawn this level.

Lisowski 1-2 O'Connor (70-0)

Jack gets frame ball black down, and Joe returns with 67 left on. Barring a snooker, we're going level; the yellow is safe, and then a poor shot from Joe leaves a red to bottom left as a shot to nothing. In it goes, and we're surely done.

Lisowski 1-2 O'Connor (53-0)

It's a bit loose this from Jack, but it's great to watch. He overscrews off the pack and flies by the brown in baulk, but recovers to pot it into the right middle. A few shots later he flukes position on the pink after overrunning the black, and he's banked another half-century. If he can just hold this combustible break together for two more reds and blacks, he'll be level.

Lisowski 1-2 O'Connor (26-0)

They aren't gun shy, these two. Both throw the cue at long reds to start frame four, but neither drop; Joe then misses another to bottom right by a huge margin, and he's left a cut on a red to bottom left. It's a tough shot, but Jack glides it in superbly and pulls up on the green. On 18 he tries to split the pack off the black, but catches them thinner than a shaving nick and it looks to be end of break. Hell though - Jack pulls out a superb cut on a red to right middle, and he's on the black! Said black uses all of the jaws of the bottom left to drop it in, and the break continues.

Lisowski 1-2 O'Connor

The frame is soon put to bed, and Jack gives us hope of a ton by thumping in a made plant to the bottom left to reach 81. The century is a formality thereafter, and for good measure Jack totals the lot for a 133. Stunning stuff!

Lisowski 0-2 O'Connor (56-0)

This one's started at a fair lick. Jack's up to a half-century with a black to bottom right, and than converts a red at pace into the right middle to hold for the blue. This is an excellent riposte, and he needed this.

Lisowski 0-2 O'Connor (26-0)

Jack hasn't settled into this yet, and misses a long red to bottom right by a distance. Joe can't convert the stray red in baulk though, and is this Jack on the march? He clatters a red into the bottom right, and is soon buzzing down at the south of the table. He's up to 26 already, and has developed more reds from the pack.

Around the tables

Mark Selby 2-2 Ben Woollaston
Kyren Wilson 4-1 Martin O'Donnell
Sean O'Sullivan 0-4 Ryan Day

Lisowski 0-2 O'Connor

It's curtains now surely, as Jack misses a cut on a red to bottom left, and leaves it on to the same pocket. A quick 15 does the necessary, and Joe extends his lead.

Lisowski 0-1 O'Connor (12-65)

We ain't done; Joe's break ends on 65 when he misses a full ball kiss on the pink, sliding off to the left, and he's not on frame ball red. He lays a good snooker soon after but with 59 left out there, this is still live.

Lisowski 0-1 O'Connor (12-57)

There's a lovely, controlled style to Joe's break-building. It's so considered, and in his own time he banks another half century with a black to bottom left. He's left himself slightly hampered on his next red to bottom right, but he calmly drives it in and goes up for the blue. He'll need two more reds, and they're both there for him from the remaining four.

Lisowski 0-1 O'Connor (12-22)

Jack goes full-blooded for a red to bottom right from long-ish distance, leaving the white in the middle of the table as he does so. The pot doesn't go, and he's handed Joe a chance here. The black is tied up, but he can make a few off the pink and sets about doing so. A canny shot on one red sees him cannon the black away from three reds, freeing up everything; he's got a great look at extending his lead here.

Lisowski 0-1 O'Connor (12-0)

Back comes Jack, hosing in a long red to start frame two and pulling the white up before baulk. He's into the pack quickly in the break, booming the white into them off the black, but it only leaves a nasty red to bottom left with the swan neck rest. Jack lines it up, before deciding he doesn't fancy it; the swan neck goes back under the table, as Jack plays back to baulk.

Lisowski 0-1 O'Connor

Joe bags the century with a 105, but misses the yellow to nix a total clearance. Bah!

Lisowski 0-0 O'Connor (0-68)

There's a wee wobble here from Joe, who lands gun barrel straight on the blue and leaves a mid-range red to keep going. He plugs it no problem though, and the black that follows it is frame ball. Jack won't be coming back, and we may well get a ton now.

Lisowski 0-0 O'Connor (0-54)

Joe reaches 46 by potting the black and stun-screwing into the pack; they've split compliantly, and he's on one to the left middle. Within a few shots he's bagged a half-century, and the frame looks nailed on from here.

Lisowski 0-0 O'Connor (0-23)

Jack's first shot is a poor one, leaving Joe a cut back on a red to right middle, which he converts. It's a decent early chance, and one he just about keeps going after wriggling another red into the bottom right with the spider. Joe's got the break under control now, and it's ticking along nicely.

Here we go

The players are baized, so let's get it popping.

The Big Lisowski

Here comes Jack, then; will this be the season where he finally lands the ranking event he so craves? He's up against Joe O'Connor, and this is the first time these two have played each other.

Around the tables

Mark Selby 1-2 Ben Woollaston
Kyren Wilson 2-1 Martin O'Donnell
Sean O'Sullivan 0-3 Ryan Day

Barry Hawkins is through to the next round

Robert Milkins will need to bring his A game to face this. That was an excellent evening's work from Barry, with breaks of 78, 60, 70 and 68 putting him through to the next round in an hour and small change. It didn't happen for Stan out there tonight, but most players on the tour would struggle to contain Barry in that rhythm. We'll be seeing a lot more of Stan in future, bet that.

Hawkins 4-0 Moody

Yep, another heavy visit for Barry, as he cruises into the next round. It's his fourth half-century of the night, a 68 in total, and Barry has won it.

Hawkins 3-0 Moody (56-0)

A good safety from Barry forces a play and a miss from Stan, who compounds his bad fortune by leaving a free ball. Barry takes the brown for one point, and soon gets the white in a position to pot a red and clear the black to both corners. It'd be easy to look at this scoreline and thing young Stan has been overawed here, but hats off to Barry as he's played really well tonight. His break is up to 38 in no time, and this is looking ominous.

Hawkins 3-0 Moody (14-0)

It's Barry that gets in first in frame four, and he's moving around the table like a man who wants this done in time for Only Connect. He'll have to set it to record though, because he's not landed on a red here and is forced to go back to baulk after a break of 14.

Hawkins 3-0 Moody

Barry does get on the final red, dropping on it from the brown. It's frame ball, and it is soon dispatched. A total of 70 for Barry puts him one frame from victory.

Hawkins 2-0 Moody (50-32)

Barry's letting his arm go again, with another half-century soon in the books. There's one red in baulk, near the top cushion, which is Stan's only get out here; if Barry gets on it, this frame is cooked.

Hawkins 2-0 Moody (19-32)

Some safety shots follow, before Stan chances his arm at a long red. It doesn't go, and in holding for the blue he's left Barry a gift of a chance with an easy starter to left middle. At the earliest possible juncture Barry goes into the pack; that's loosened things up alright, and this is trouble for Stan.

Hawkins 2-0 Moody (0-32)

Here's a chance for Stan in frame three, as Barry leaves him a cut at a red to left middle Stan converts it, and he's away; he's moving confidently too, as he advances his break to 25. One good whack of the pack off the black could precipitate a very big visit, but in going into them off the bottom cushion the white sticks to the pack slightly and he's on nowt.

Hawkins 2-0 Moody

This should be the frame, as Stan catches the jaws of the bottom left from a safety and leaves Barry a tap-in thereafter. Sure enough, 27 more points for Barry means he's halfway to target.

Hawkins 1-0 Moody (61-5)

More rhythmic stuff from Barry as he zooms to another half ton, and keeps it going with a stunning long red to the green pocket, through the narrowest of tunnels between pink and blue. He can't split the remaining reds though, so his effort is nixed on 60; Stan is still in this, with 75 left out there.

Hawkins 1-0 Moody (26-5)

Barry's in again in frame two, as Stan leaves a red on long to the bottom right, a hand on table chance. In it goes, but when Barry tries to deep screw into the reds off the blue, the white grips the baize like an angry cat and misses the target. Even worse for Barry, it flicks the black and flies in-off. A poor shot from Stan to follow leaves another long red to the bottom right, and Barry launches that in as well; this is a more adhesive chance.

Hawkins 1-0 Moody

It's a 78 in total from Barry to get the night going, and he hits the front.

Hawkins 0-0 Moody (60-6)

It's a swift half-century, aided by a nice, controlled stun shot to move two reds into better positions, and Barry has the first frame in the bank.

Hawkins 0-0 Moody (29-6)

Barry almost goes in-off, leaving Stan a look at a red to left middle. With the white in the jaws of the bottom right it's a big ask, and the red goes close but spits out of the pocket. Stan's left Barry an easy starter, and this could be bothersome. The break quickly reaches 20 and counting, and there's nothing safe out there.

Hawkins 0-0 Moody (9-6)

Stan - nicknamed 'The Man' - has been 17 for just 11 days. He's away first with a nice red-blue combo, while Barry responds soon after with a red of his own but no more. Barry plugs another, but again can't follow it with a red; the table then opens up with a bit of safety, from which Barry gets in for real with a long red to bottom left and he's on the blue. It breaks down quickly again though, and it's a scrappy start.


Tahir Hajat introduces the players, and we'll be ready to go soon. We'll keep you abreast of the scores in the other matches tonight, which are:
Mark Selby v Ben Woollaston
Kyren Wilson v Martin O'Donnell
Sean O'Sullivan v Ryan Day


We're at opposite ends of the experience scale in our first match here. When Barry landed the European Masters title last month, it was the fourth ranking event win of a career that began way back in 1996, when Oasis were back-to-backing nights at Knebworth and Terry Venables was the England manager. Stan Moody wasn't even born until ten years later.


Welcome to live coverage of the evening session of day one of the British Open. It’s been a lively old day at the Centaur here in Cheltenham, with reigning world champion Luca Brecel eliminated in a decider this afternoon by Ding Junhui.
We’ve got a busy evening ahead, and we start with an intriguing one – it’s world number 13 Barry Hawkins against 17-year old Stan Moody. Following on from that, we’ll have Jack Lisowski against Joe O’Connor.


British Open 2023 snooker match schedule (UK time), scores and results


That’s it for our live frame-by-frame updates from the afternoon session.
See you again shortly for the evening session with Ryan Day, Mark Selby, John Higgins and Shaun Murphy among the stars taking to the baulk.
  • Ryan Day v Sean O’Sullivan
  • Mark Selby v Ben Woollaston
  • Kyren Wilson v Martin O’Donnell
  • Barry Hawkins v Stan Moody
  • Jack Lisowski v Joe O’Connor
  • Shaun Murphy v Rebecca Kenna
  • John Higgins v Long Zehuang
  • Jimmy Robertson v Steven Hallworth


It’s Allen who ends the stalemate, knocking in a couple of reds before using the blue to come down the table and tuck home a red to the bottom left corner.
A pink and the final red to the bottom left pretty much ends the contest McGill concedes after a quick glance at the board.


  • Neil Robertson 2-1 Jamie Clarke
  • Gary Wilson 3-1 Ahmed Aly Elsayed

ALLEN 3-1 MCGILL (40-21)

McGill can’t put together a sequence to keep Allen in his seat and with the final four reds near cushions, he’s forced to play safe following a decent run of 20.

ALLEN 3-1 MCGILL (40-1)

Wow! No-one saw that coming. Allen blows a routine pot off the spot and his break of 23 – that was looking like extending into a match-winning one -ends abruptly.

ALLEN 3-1 MCGILL (17-1)

Will that be curtains for Anthony? He’s not had the rub of the green in this match and he can’t quite believe it when he fouls on the black to gift Allen a huge opportunity to put this match to bed.


  • RESULT! - Mark Williams 4-1 Peng Yisong
  • Neil Robertson 1-1 Jamie Clarke
  • Gary Wilson 3-0 Ahmed Aly Elsayed

ALLEN 3-1 MCGILL (10-0)

Allen sizzles down a red to the bottom right but over-screws the cue ball and can’t get position on the black. He shakes his head in irritation and retreats to baulk.

ALLEN 3-1 MCGILL (9-0)

We have a breakthrough!
Allen has a huge slice of fortune when his safety from the left side of baulk sees two reds clip a third, which drops down.
There’s confusion as to whether one was actually potted such was how unintentional it was. Allen misses a green middle right but leaves the cue ball firmly behind the brown.
McGill ponders the rescue attempt a couple of times. It's not a case of not being able to hit one of the 14 reds remaining, it's more to do with not wanting to leave Allen in a frame-winning - and therefore a match-clinching position.
The Scot misses twice but nudges tight to the red closest to the middle of the table on his third effort to escape and avoid leaving it all open.

ALLEN 3-1 MCGILL (0-0)

Frame 5 doesn’t have the fizz and swashbuckling nature of the previous four. It’s been a pretty turgid spectacle so far with most of the reds scattered to the far right of the table. Who will blink first? McGill probably can’t afford for it to be him!


  • Mark Williams 3-0 Peng Yisong
  • Neil Robertson 1-0 Jamie Clarke
  • Gary Wilson 2-0 Ahmed Aly Elsayed


Mark may well have found his Mojo.
A quite brilliant shot, tight to baulk sees him tickle down a red with a deft clip to right middle and get him up and running once more.
He then spreads the pack by screwing back off a pot to the bottom left and suddenly there’s an opening for more heavy scoring.
McGill can only watch on despite the fact the black is tight to the bottom rail. It doesn’t stop Mark preying upon pink-red combos.
The World No.3 rifles down the last long red to bottom right to move on to the colours, but surprisingly comes up short of the century. It's a minor frustration as he edges closer to victory.


The table is literally wide open for a player of Allen’s calibre.
Even when he overcooks the cue ball slightly, he’s able to prey upon another red nearby and get back on track in terms of position.
It’s just a case of whether the World No.3 clears up or not… but sadly for him, the answer is no as the final red down the right rail won’t go down via the rest as he ends with a break of 81.


  • Mark Williams 3-0 Peng Yisong
  • Neil Robertson 0-0 Jamie Clarke
  • Gary Wilson 1-0 Ahmed Aly Elsayed

ALLEN 1-1 MCGILL (0-12)

That’s a shocker from McGill. He works his way into a decent situation with a break of 12 but then fails to down a red to the bottom left. It was a tad awkward in terms of cueing but not enough to give him any excuses.
Allen jumps out of his seat and seems to like the look of how the table is spread.


Allen can’t guide a red in down the left rail but it matters little as a break of 57 is enough to pull him level.

ALLEN 0-1 MCGILL (20-1)

Mark chalks up a quick-fire 12 but is then left frustrated as this time the black jiggles with the jaws and stays out.
McGill has the initiative but hands it straight back when he clips in a red but fouls on the black splitting the pack.
It’s fair to say it’s been an incident-packed start to this frame.


Oof! Allen is rather unlucky there. He looks to slot a red to the yellow pocket, but it pretty much dances on the lip and somehow stays out.
McGill steps in and clips it down before cleaning up to the final red, that won't go down along the bottom rail. It's of little consequence though as another break of 34 sees him take the opening frame.

ALLEN 0-0 MCGILL (4-59)

McGill clips in a cheeky red and then earns his reward for a smart safety up to baulk as Allen offers him a chance to make the first significant break of the match.
The Scot has not had the best starts to the season, but it’s pretty sharp from the off here as surges to a break of 58 before the middle right pocket refuses the invitation for another red to drop.


  • RESULT - Ali Carter 4-3 Allan Taylor
  • RESULT - Judd Trump 4-2 Anton Kazakov
  • Mark Williams 1-0 Peng Yisong

ALLEN 0-0 MCGILL (4-0)

Allen is first show and notches up a rapid four before retreating to baulk.


Allen leads the match-up 3-1.

Next up: World No.3 Mark Allen looks to go one better in 2023

Allen was runner-up in this tournament last year and has a tricky opener against Anthony McGill, who is currently ranked 19th.


Ali Carter 3-3 Allan Taylor
Judd Trump 3-2 Anton Kazakov


Ding eventually cuts the blue into the bottom left pocket – and Brecel marches over to offer the hand shake.
The Chinese World No.15 will be relieved as he dumps the World Champion out at the first hurdle and edges into round two after almost blowing a 3-0 lead.
Brecel’s bid for World No.1 will have to wait as will a first ever win over Ding who now leads the H2H 6-0!


Ding makes clever use of the pink close to the bottom right corner and comes off the right rail to flick it and sink the final red in the pocket.
He then cuts the pink to the same pocket but gets unfortunate when he snookers himself behind the green.
He does hit the yellow but Brecel will carry on in search of a snooker to somehow pull off a miracle win.
The Belgian sinks the yellow and tries to lay a snooker before mopping up green and brown.
He’s running out of balls to make this happen though…


Ali Carter 3-2 Allan Taylor
Judd Trump 2-2 Anton Kazakov
RESULT! - Robert Milkins 4-2 Jiang Jun


Ding goes for a double off the left rail to right middle but he comes up short and leaves it on for Brecel.
It’s not easy, particularly given the stakes, and the Belgian can’t come up with some magic as his long red attempt to the green pocket won’t go down.
This is so close and still tough to call!


Ding is edging ever close… The World No.15 snags the penultimate red and tickles in a yellow before retreating to baulk to leave Brecel with plenty to ponder.


Ding grabs the initiative but can only chip in another 15 when he misses a blue to middle left trying to come up with a plan to discover a solution to the final two reds snug with the pink on the bottom rail.


This frame is a microcosm of the match. Both players look to be in fine fettle and then miss a sitter.
It happens here with Brecel on a run of 26 as he blows a make-able red with the rest to the bottom right.
The Belgian looked all set to complete the comeback there.
Now Ding has another chance…


  • Ali Carter 2-2 Allan Taylor
  • Judd Trump 2-2 Anton Kazakov
  • Robert Milkins 3-2 Jiang Jun


Given what is at stake, it’s no surprise there’s a lengthy, cagey stand-off before a ball is potted in this decider.
It’s Ding - who was 3-0 up and on course for a whitewash – who snatches the advantage with a simple long red to the bottom left.
The Chinese finds some groove but inexplicably misses a routine pink to the same pocket to come up short on 29.
He’s had a few of those today and it may prove costly.


  • Ali Carter 1-2 Allan Taylor
  • Judd Trump 1-2 Anton Kazakov
  • Robert Milkins 3-1 Jiang Jun


Brecel reaches a break of 40 but a weak cannon into the pack leaves the cue ball stuck in the middle of them with no obvious red on.
The Belgian spies a potential plant on a red to the middle right and shows his maverick style with a delicious pot to extend a nice break into a run of 73 that will surely take us into a decider.
Ding is back at the table but he fouls with a miss on a red and then has to face the inevitable.
Someone, yes somehow, we are heading into a one-frame shoot-out!


Brecel looks for a thin cut on a red near the bottom left corner but ends up drifting the cue ball into the same pocket for a foul.
Ding misses a long red to the opposite corner and once again gives Brecel the opportunity to take charge.


Brecel makes no mistake with a long red close to the bottom right corner and clears up to the final red.
Not even a foul on a break of 39 can make any difference as the Belgian cuts the gap once more. Can he take this match to the wire?


There’s a shake of the head from Luca as a long red catches the lower jaw of the bottom left pocket and pops out ending his run on 38.


Ouch. Ding is first to show but his attempt to cannon into the pack via a pot on the blue to the middle right goes pear-shaped when a red flies in to the bottom right too.
‘Foul!’ – and another half chance for Luca to try and make things interesting!


  • Ali Carter 1-1 Allan Taylor
  • Judd Trump 0-2 Anton Kazakov
  • Robert Milkins 2-1 Jiang Jun


Ding swerves around the obstacles to clip the red from baulk but leaves it firmly on for Luca to despatch to the bottom right.
From there it’s all about clearing up the colours and Brecel duly does that to get on the board and pinch the frame by a point!
The Belgian Bullet still has it all to do, but Ding could yet rue blowing a big lead there.


Ding blinks first and Brecel clips a red to the bottom right.
The Belgian ponders over the pink to the bottom right corner for some time as it’s the final red on the left cushion that will probably decide the frame.
Eventually the World No.2 plays a lovely snooker and suddenly he has the initiative.


Ding takes care of the routine business up to two remaining reds wedged together near the middle of the left rail and opts to be pragmatic, ending his break at 54 and playing a safety.


Brecel guides a controlled red to the bottom left corner with the rest and swiftly moves in front.
However, the Belgian gets careless over his position once again and awkward cue-action on a red to the middle left means he catches the far jaw and he fails to take advantage of an open table.
It's been one of those days for Luca and it could be coming to a rapid end here...


When your luck is in, your luck is in!
Ding attempts a long red to the bottom left corner that jumps out of the pocket, rolls across the lower rail and knocks a red that was minding its own business miles from the action into the opposite pocket.
It looks like real trouble for Brecel but Ding somehow contrives to miss a routine red to the bottom left to allow the World Champion a ray of hope.


  • Ali Carter 1-1 Allan Taylor
  • Judd Trump 0-2 Anton Kazakov
  • Robert Milkins 1-1 Jiang Jun


Ding cuts a tricky red to the bottom left and the slight air of tension over whether he could let the frame slip away evaporates.
The Chinese star misses a yellow with two reds remaining but Brecel would need a raft of snookers.
The referee looks to the Belgian to check on his intentions but shakes his head and looks away, remaining firmly rooted to his seat.


It’s just not happening for the Belgian Bullet so far today. He can only manage a paltry red to go with the foul and Ding is back in again.
It’s looking like a 3-0 lead for the World No.15.


Ding takes charge of the table and the alarm bells will be ringing for the World Champion.
The Chinese World No.15 quickly passes the 20-mark, resisting the opportunity to blast into the pack by teasing a black to the bottom right and moving around the five reds in open play.
Eventually he does attempt to burst into that pack of six but misses the blue to the middle left. All eyes are on the scattering reds, but suddenly there’s a murmur of surprise as the blue bounces to the opposite middle pocket and flukes in.
The reprieve is short-lived though as a cut on a red to middle right rolls down – but so does the cue ball to the bottom right.


That’s almost exhibition stuff from Brecel - but ultimately the Belgian Bullet comes up short again!
He doubles a red off the right cushion into middle left with real panache. It would have left the table wide open if he’d missed, but he was brave and got his rewards.
He’s within sight of levelling as he nudges ahead on the board49-47, but misses a long red to the bottom right after nudging it free off the left rail by sinking the blue to the yellow pocket.
Ding takes care of the final red and the yellow and lays a snooker. However, Brecel gets out of trouble with a fortunate pot before blowing his hopes on the blue.
Ding steps in a clears up to the black to snatch a rollercoaster frame of bizarre misses juxtaposed with some sublime shot-making.


Luca makes some inroads into Ding’s lead but after an attempt to clatter into the trio of reds and free them up goes awry, he’s left with little option but to playa safety in behind the black after a run of 29.


  • Ali Carter 0-1 Allan Taylor
  • Judd Trump 0-1 Anton Kazakov
  • Robert Milkins 0-1 Jiang Jun


Once again it’s Ding who gathers his composure to forge a decent lead.
Most reds are free aside from a trio clustered close to the right rail, but in the end he doesn’t need to worry about them.
He’s approaching the half century on a run of 47 but can’t quite convince a red along the bottom rail to drop to the bottom right pocket.
Lifeline for Luca!


It’s a really sloppy start from both players in Frame 2.
Ding contrives to catch the far jaw of a red to the bottom right corner but Luca blows an easier red to middle left.
The pattern continues until Brecel again gets his angles wrong with a red to bottom right and grimaces as the cue ball explodes into the pack to open up the table.
Ding inevitably sinks a simple red but then misses a long yellow. It's very scrappy stuff and it seems to be catching out there!


Enter The Dragon indeed. Ding doesn’t blow the opening this time around as he pulls clear to notch up the opening frame.
A red to the bottom left is followed by a pink up to middle left that is not easy, but he despatches it with aplomb.
He quickly mops up a succession of reds around the black and puts himself firmly in charge with an excellent cut on a recovery shot on a red to the bottom right.
It leaves him nicely on the blue which he downs to middle left. A red teased into the bottom left pretty much secures the frame but he can’t quite get over the line for the century as his run ends on 94.


Luca quickly sets about trying to build a commanding lead, rocketing down a red to bottom left and cutting a delightful black to the same pocket.
A cannon into a cluster of three reds goes awry, blocking the black which means he has to take on a slow-paced pink up to the middle right. It’s a wonderful pot to keep his run going, but he then undoes his good work with a surprising miss on a red up to the green pocket.


That’s a horrible miscue from Brecel. You could hear the thwack of the tip of his cue to emphasise just how wrong a simple red to the bottom right went.
He examines the tip as he strolls back to his chair knowing full well that’s he left Ding with a big chance.
The Chinese World No.15 steps in and coolly rolls in a red to the bottom left but then blows as make-able pink to middle left and it’s Brecel who gets a very early reprieve.


This is their sixth meeting with Brecel yet to win. Will Ding Jinhui have his number once again today?


The Bookies have Judd Trump as a clear favourite to lift the trophy with John Higgins, Mark Selby and Neil Robertson also well backed.
Brecel is somewhat of an outsider as ninth favourite with various outlets.


We'll be concentrating on World Champion and 'Belgian Bullet' Luca Brecel as he locks horns with Ding Junhui.


All matches up to and including the round of 16 will be the best-of-seven frames.


Ronnie O'Sullivan will not be present after it was announced he would be pulling out of the tournament due to medical reasons. He was due to face Jimmy Robertson, but has subsequently been replaced in the draw by Steven Hallworth. It comes after O'Sullivan claimed his fourth consecutive victory at the Shanghai Masters on Sunday.


Hello and welcome to LIVE updates of our coverage of The British Open at the Centaur at Cheltenham racecourse.
There’s a host of big names in action in the afternoon session including World champion Luca Brecel, Judd Trump, Mark Allen, Neil Robertson and Mark Williams.
Here’s the full line-up of the boys battling at the baize:
Monday September 25
  • Luca Brecel v Ding Junhui
  • Judd Trump v Anton Kazakov
  • Robert Milkins v Jiang Jun
  • Ali Carter v Allan Taylor
  • Mark Allen v Anthony McGill
  • Neil Robertson v Jamie Clarke
  • Mark Willams v Peng Yisong
  • Gary Wilson v Ahmed Aly Elsayed
  • Ryan Day v Sean O’Sullivan
  • Mark Selby v Ben Woollaston
  • Kyren Wilson v Martin O’Donnell
  • Barry Hawkins v Stan Moody
  • Jack Lisowski v Joe O’Connor
  • Shaun Murphy v Rebecca Kenna
  • John Higgins v Long Zehuang
  • Jimmy Robertson v Steven Hallworth
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