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World Snooker Championship 2023 LIVE - Anthony McGill defeats Jack Lisowski as Mark Selby wins through

Daniel Harris

Updated 24/04/2023 at 20:26 GMT

Hello and welcome back to Eurosport's live coverage of the 2022-23 World Snooker Championship as we continue on Day 10 at the Crucible. Si Jiahui resumed 11-5 up on Robert Milkins, needing two frames for victory, and he duly completed the win to reach the quarter-finals on his debut at the famous event. Mark Selby headlines the evening session eyeing victory, along with Anthony McGill.

'Comical' - Watch as emergency alert halts play during Selby match at Crucible

That's us done for tonight

Join me again tomorrow at 9.30am BST for the start of the quarter-finals!

As for Jack

He came within a frame of the semi last term, losing 13-12 to Higgins after beating Robertson, and will be disappointed with his performance here. He's on the right track though, and hopefully next season it happens for him.

Anthony McGill beats Jack Lisowski 13-8!

Anthony's bottom level is what gets him through this competition - others drop, he doesn't - but he's played some great stuff too, and he meets Si Jiahui next. That should be a cracker, which both men think they can win.

Lisowski 8-12 McGill (40-61)

Against John Astley in qualifying, Anthony was two down with three to play, and now look! He's fairly racing aboot the table now, gleefully accepted another gift, and he's such a threat at the Cruce. if he can slide the last red along the rail and get from black to yellow, this is over; he manages the first part ... and the second! But he doesn't come far enough off the green, so is adjacent to the broon ... but he pots it well, only to miss the blue! Jack, who must've assumed he was done, returns to the table needing a snooker.

Lisowski 8-12 McGill (40-13)

Eeesh, Jack misses to right corner - he couldn't see all of the pocket but he absolutely could see enough off it - and can Anthony put this away?

Lisowski 8-12 McGill (20-3)

Jack clips in a nice starter but again runs out of position - he's won a load of frames since that disastrous first session, but he's not played especially well in so doing. He'll always have the potting but, and another nice one gives him another chance to put a dent in the frame.

Lisowski 8-12 McGill (9-3)

Anthony clicks home a nice starter to right corner, goes into the pack of the yellow ... and he's on nothing, stuck in between all of them. So he plays down the table, leaves one which Jack clips down left corner ... but shortly afterwards he inadvertently cannons the black, so that's end of break.

We go again...

Lisowski 8-12 McGill

Yup, Anthony goes to the break in decent spirits. I daresay he'll be on the practise table in the mid-sesh because he's played poorly this evening, but it'll take something colossal to deny him another Cruce quarter.

Lisowski 8-11 McGill (4-60)

Anthony flukes a snooker and milks it to go in front early, but when he misses Jack flukes a snooker - I think, I was watching the end of Selby - but then a poor cannon on the broon leaves a starter to the yellow bag. Down it goes, but in deeply unimpressive style, the white ending up stuck to that broon - Anthony just can't get it together tonight. But the yellow still goes so he drains it, redeems a further error with a really composed thin cut on the black - via rest - and this looks a lot like four up with five to play.

Mark Selby beats Gary Wilson 13-7!

Gary made him work for it, but the four in a row last evening made the difference and Mark is into another quarter-final. Where he meets John Higgins! That should be an absolute belter.

Selby 12-7 Wilson (58-17)

Mark cuts in a blue, kisses a red ... and it diverts the white into the right corner! He doesn't leave anything easy but there's a mid-distance red to left corner ... and Gary jawses it! Third chance to clinch the match for Mark ... but he mustn't be on the red, because he plays safe, an inadvertent kiss on the blue knocking it safe and covering a red. So Gaz plays a thin contact, misses, and Mark hits, breaking up two reds and promoting the black. This will surely be it.

Selby 12-7 Wilson (38-12)

Gary misses a speculative one to left corner, dangles a tempter to the same pocket, and Mark crumps it down superbly. he's on the brown, uses it to work his way up the table, and this looks a lot like curtains.

Selby 12-7 Wilson (35-12)

Mark runs out of position so plays safe, and Gary responds really well, landing white behind brown; he misses, and though there's a replacement issue as the tech isn't working, he's put back and misses twice more, coming off two cushions and looking for a thin contact en route back to baulk. But he hits third time, gets a good length with the white, and we're back playing safety.

Lisowski 8-11 McGill

Anthony misses a red to left corner when he really shouldn't, Jack clears up, and is now the better player. This is getting interesting...

Selby 12-7 Wilson (12-0)

Gary misses a red to right corner, Mark sends it down right-middle, and once he's picked off the loose reds, he'll go into the pack; how that goes will determine whether he clinches f&m at this visit.

Selby 12-7 Wilson

Mark clears to pink the call it a frame; he needs one, Gary needs six straight.

Selby 11-7 Wilson (62-45)

Mark gets down on the shot, someone on the other side of the partition calls out, he gets up, gets down ... and rolls it in dead slow! He's dead straight on the black, though, which means a mid-distance yellow - it's nasty - but he clouts it away well, sees away a horrible tight green, cut home well, and this'll be a colossal frame.

Selby 11-7 Wilson (45-45)

Gary can either move or get in behind the final red, which on the side; he opts for former, it doesn't go well, and then he misses it to left corner, leaving both pot and snooker for Mark - the former tough, the second not. Which does he attempt?

Selby 11-7 Wilson (45-24)

Mark gets high and straight on a black, but takes it on with the rest nonetheless - he must be feeling good tonight - and not only does he guide it into left corner but he holds for the red too. That is brilliant behaviour, but then he undercuts a pink off its spot and leaves a simple starter for Gary! I don't know if that was pressure or carelessness, but if Gary can pinch this, we've a burgeoning situation on our hands.

Selby 11-7 Wilson (20-10)

Ach, Gary misses an admittedly missable plant to left corner - there was distance between the balls - problem being he doesn't really have scope for that. So Mark starts potting balls, and this is a pretty decent chance to rack up a lead.

Lisowski 7-11 McGill

After losing nine of 10, Jack has now won six of seven, and this match isn't done yet.

Selby 11-7 Wilson (6-1)

After a bout of safety, Gary leaves one almost the full diag and Mark sends it down. A blue follows and once a red with the rest is sorted, he's on the black ... except he misses the pot! So Gaz slides one to left-centre, and he'll be growing in confidence with every pot now.

Selby 11-7 Wilson

A 58 and a 53 secure the frame for Gary, who's played well in this match - he's paying for not cashing in in the first session.

Selby 11-6 Wilson (0-62)

Oh yes! Mark sticks the white behind part of the brown and Gary plays a brilliiant escape, landing the ball almost where it started. If he'd botched that it might've meant the frame and now he's earnt himself a dart at one to left corner; he misses, then Mark does too, then Gary eases a tester to right-middle and this will surely see him home in the frame.

Selby 11-6 Wilson (0-58)

And now he's run out of position, so he knocks the blue safe and a safety exchange begins.

Selby 11-6 Wilson (0-43)

Gary removes balls quickly and competently; he looks good to meet a one-visit win with one of his own. Problem being, he's miles behind.

Lisowski 6-11 McGill

Jack dominates the opening frame and seals it by taking second chance. He needs another couple before Anthony starts worrying, but as I type he misses to left corner. He's been sloppy so far tonight.

Selby 11-6 Wilson (0-6)

Mark misses a starter to left corner, missing the pot trying to miss various reds, and he leaves Gary in. He absolutely must take this opoortunity.

Selby 11-6 Wilson

Mark misses the green so has to satisfy himself with a 109, and Gary needs seven out of eight from here. Goo
d luck with that, old mate.

Selby 10-6 Wilson (102-0)

A 98th Crucible ton for the three-time champ, and it's so so good to see him back playing like this.

Selby 10-6 Wilson (69-0)

Yup, a black to right corner and seven-and-a-half minutes in, it's another frame to Mark.

Selby 10-6 Wilson (38-0)

Mark removes reds with blues then bins the black so it returns to its spot, and he's looking good to parlay this into a one-shot kill. He gets a little straight on a black but it makes no odds, he's onto the next ball nicely, and this is everything Gary didn't want. Realistically, he'll need the three frames left in the mini-sesh if he can't take this one.

Selby 10-6 Wilson (15-0)

Gary leaves a red in baulk so Mark drains it, nobbles the pack off the blue ... and there are loads of balls on, but pink and black are now awkwardly placed. Still, there are points out there, and it shouldn't be too difficult to get a least one back on its spot.


By boys. Off we go!

McGill v Lisowski

I'm not totally surprised how that's gone because Anthony is so good over the stretch and so confident at the Cruce. But so intense a beating? Jack is too good for that, and needs to learn some street-smarts to make the most of his ridiculous talent.

Chris Woakes is in the house

What a nice man.

The draw

Is opening up rather nicely for Ronald Antonio O'Sullivan, with the removal of Judd Trump and Mark J Williams from the top half. But it will not have escaped his attention that the bottom half is looking pretty decent for Mark Selby, who is probably the player he'd least like to face. Though Gary Wilson is a good player, a 10-6 lead looks a lot to claw back, and with a re-re-rejuventated John Higgins awaiting the winner, we should be in for a last-eight treat.

Evening all!

We go again...

That's us done for the afternoon

Join me again at 6.30pm BST for the evening dig, in which we'll major on Gary Wilson 6-10 Mark Selby but also play close attention to that McGill 11-5 Lisowski match.

Si Jiahui beats Robert Milkins 13-7!

He misses a brown on 106, but a ton is a ton, and completes another sensational performance from the 20-year-old! He meets Anthony McGill or Jack Lisowski next with McGill 11-5 up, and the way he's playing how can you back against him?

Milkins 7-12 Jiahui (0-106)

Yes he can! "A star is born" says Phil Yates, who said likewise after the Murphy match, and he's right. To play this good you have to be this good, and Si is this good.

Milkins 7-12 Jiahui (0-70)

Down they go, and rob needs three snookers! Another brilliant performance from the world no 80! Can he finish in style with ton?

Milkins 7-12 Jiahui (0-55)

Excellent from Si, who rolls a pink to right-centre, opening plenty in the process. But he's soon hanging his head on the baize when he doesn't get the backspin he was after on a red, so has to return to the pink and try a cannon ... which works perfectly! He's on one to each corner and two red-colours will put this match away!

Milkins 7-12 Jiahui (0-7)

Rob tries to send one from deep up the business end to the yellow bag, misses, and this is immediately a great chance for Si, reds, pink and black all available.

Milkins 7-12 Jiahui (0-1)

Si pots a lovely red from centre to left corner but finishes on the bottom rail, so we're back playing safety.

Milkins 7-12 Jiahui

One frame before the interval, and Si will be raging he missed that red in the frame before this one.

Milkins 6-12 Jiahui (60-39)

Rob liberates a red stick to the pink, pots it, then removes the one on the rail. This is going to be him another frame closer!

Milkins 6-12 Jiahui (43-39)

A dreadful safety from Si, crowned by a double-kiss, allows Rob another chance to clear! This time, there's a red on the top rail, so the job is harder, but I'd not be at all surprised if he pulls it off.

Milkins 6-12 Jiahui (23-39)

Si overscrews by nearly two feet getting onto the yellow and he's dead straight on it, so has no angle to get back up the table. Instead he tales on an oblique cut to right corner, missing, and he's really struggling to get this past tense.

Milkins 6-12 Jiahui (16-37)

Rob lands a cross-double then tucks in behind the yellow, but Si escapes well then a few shots later steers a fine red to left corner, dead slow. A blue follows and the balls are spread well enough, though pink and black are both occupied.

Milkins 6-12 Jiahui (16-30)

But no! Attempting to break the pack he slides off it, lands on nowt, and soon finds himself snookered, hitting blue thrice after missing his thin contact. He does get a red fourth go but too thick, meaning he leaves a starter, but there's a lot of work to do to turn this into a chance.

Milkins 6-12 Jiahui (0-17)

Rob takes on a red to right corner and misses, then Si has a shy at one to left and hits; another chance for him to clinch f&m.

Milkins 6-12 Jiahui

Now then! A clearance of 69, and there's life in this yet.

Milkins 5-12 Jiahui (17-68)

Whaaat?! Si misses a regulation cut to right corner that's also match-ball and doesn't really get close; pressure! There are plenty points still out there too, and nothing safe; can Rob do it? Well, not the way he's been playing - a clearance here would be his biggest break of the competition - but there's really no reason he shouldn't.

Milkins 5-12 Jiahui (0-61)

Si played nervously in that last frame or perhaps he was just warming up; not so here, where he's cueing beautifully. He breaks into the pack off the black, is on one to right corner, and this is did. Well played Si Jiahui!

Milkins 5-12 Jiahui (0-28)

In 1989, Nigel Bond came back from 9-2 down to beat Cliff Thorburn, but the way Rob looks - he's hanging his head - and the way Si's played - that looks unlikely. All the more so when, left one off the break, Si clatters it into right corner and quickly builds a lead.

Milkins 5-12 Jiahui

He's interrupted by a phone going off - the third time that's happened in this frame - but Si clears up well, trusting himself to drain a nasty mid-distance pink, which he does with no fuss, and he's one away!

Milkins 5-11 Jiahui (52-35)

Si lays a snooker and though Rob escapes, he leaves the final red. So Si sees it away then rams in the black trying to get down the table for the yellow. It's a great effort too, but the cut is too fine ... or is it! Down it goes, and Si is going to steal this! Rob has had so, so many chances.

Milkins 5-11 Jiahui (52-22)

What on earth is going on?! Si pots a starter only to screw back into left-middle, then Rob misses the last red to left corner! So Si bins it, adds a black ... which, when it returns onto its spot, sits between white ball and object ball! Si is snookered! But he escapes, laying one of his own in the process - the red is stuck to the blue with the white on the other side. Rob misses, leaving a free ball, and Si takes on a nails pink when he didn't need to, missing. This really has been a dreadful frame (of snooker) and extremely enjoyable for that.

Milkins 5-11 Jiahui (48-10)

Or not. Si flukes one of the reds by left corner, developing the now two others that are close by. A tight yellow follows, then a red to left-middle, and that is a glorious pot! Rob will be worried, because nothing is safe and if this goes 12-5, it's even overer than it is already.

Milkins 5-11 Jiahui (48-1)

Oh dear. Another loose positional shot leaves Rob taking on a tight cut to left corner and he misses - he's not been taking his chances in this tournament and has now botched four in this frame alone - but again, Si can't capitalise, missing similarly to the same bag. We now have two reds close to left corner, neither of which go, so this frame may take a while to resolve.

Milkins 5-11 Jiahui (48-1)

Si tries an adventurous starter to the green bag, misses, and that allows Rob to get back going. But poor positional play means he soon misses a red and when Si deposits it in the yellow, he looks in decent shape to get back into the frame. Except he misses a yellow with the rest - the first time he's failed with the implement in 13 goes this match - and escaping a resultant snooker Rob the chance to finish the frame. Is Si feeling the pressure?

Milkins 5-11 Jiahui (39-0)

Surprisingly, Rob refuses a nasty but not impossible cut to right corner - I guess the pressure of what a mistake might cost trumped the pressure to win frames as quickly as possible - so we're back playing safety.

Milkins 5-11 Jiahui (26-0)

Rob came back from 7-2 down to Joe, as I said, but Joe played horrendously and still almost won. Still, Si misses a red to right corner allowing Rob to get going - he prolongs the run with a tremendous red to right corner, potted off the side rail - and this is the start he needed.

Away we go!

The baize

Is populated with boyz.

Of course, we've an early one-table situation today

Because John Higgins monstered Kyren Wilson 13-2, finishing the match a session early. I didn't expect that, and neither did John nor Kyren.

I'm looking forward to this one

Si has been brilliant so far. I wondered whether he'd struggle to reproduce his best form after beating Shaun Murphy because that required a very serious performance that must've prompted a massive emotional dump, but he's looking good again and it's impossible to see Robert producing another comeback of the sort that eliminated Joe Perry in round one.

Afternoon all!

And welcome to the 2023 World Snooker Championship - day 10!


Hello and welcome to today's coverage from the 2023 World Snooker Championship at the Crucible. The second round is well under way and we've got you covered for all the action from Sheffield!
First up, we've got the clash between Si Jiahui and Robert Milkins which is the only one game in the afternoon session after John Higgins crushed Kyren Wilson on Sunday evening.
The boys will be at the baize from 13.00 BST.


  • Robert Milkins 5-11 Si Jiahui
  • Anthony McGill 11-5 Jack Lisowski
  • Gary Wilson 6-10 Mark Selby



Jimmy White has been left disappointed by Jack Lisowski, and urged him to go away and find a tactical game.
Lisowski has had a disappointing season, but raised hope of ending it on a positive note after beating Noppon Saengkham in round one of the World Championship.
However, Anthony McGill looks set to stop Lisowski’s Crucible run after opening an 11-5 lead in their race to 13.
Lisowski was faced with the prospect of being sent packing in two sessions after trailing 10-1, but he won four frames in a row.
McGill halted the charge by taking the final frame of the second session on Sunday afternoon, and White feels a comeback is unlikely.
“At 10-1, all of a sudden Jack has hit back with some form and won four frames on the bounce and I think McGill needed to win that final frame,” White said in his role as a pundit for Eurosport. “At 10-6, Jack had a chance but at 11-5 I don’t think so.
“It is very unlikely. Anthony McGill is such a great match player."
Read the full interview here
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