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Lippi sorrow for Jarque


Published 10/08/2009 at 14:53 GMT

Italy coach Marcello Lippi has offered his condolences to the family of Espanyol captain Dani Jarque, who died from heart failure at the Italian national team's base.

Dani Jarque

Image credit: Other Agency

Lippi, speaking on Monday at the Coverciano Centre where Jarque (pictured) died, said the player's death had struck him very much.
"It's absurd that something like this could happen to a 26-year-old lad here at our home," Lippi said after his squad gathered to prepare for a friendly in Switzerland on Wednesday August 12.
"I want to send my regards to his family. I can imagine the pain that they and the team are in."
Italian media reported an autopsy was performed in Florence on Monday, although the results would not be released for some time, and that the defender's body was being handed over to his family.
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