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Sahin in Madrid link


Updated 03/05/2011 at 14:54 GMT

German champions Borussia Dortmund admitted that star playmaker Nuri Sahin could join Real Madrid in the summer.

Dortmund's Turkish midfielder Nuri Sahin

Image credit: AFP

Dortmund’s young team - average age 24 - clinched the Bundesliga title with two matches remaining after a 2-0 win over Nuremberg at the weekend.
Their success has led to rumours that their star players would leave for Europe’s top clubs, and while the club are confident they can keep most of them they conceded that Turkey midfielder Sahin, 22, could be on his way, with Madrid the likely destination.
"There will be some changes, winning a title triggers changes but our playing style will remain the same, it is how the coach wants it and it is also this club's character," said sports director Michael Zorc.
"It is difficult to say what will happen (with Sahin and Real). We have to deal with a request when one is there but no final decision has been taken yet.
"We have very good arguments for them to stay in Dortmund - what we call the full package. Not only financial but also the prospect of playing in this unique constellation of this young team with 80,000 fans there with you in every game."
"But we are talking about the next season and maybe the one after. Anything beyond that is too far away in football."
Sahin, who was born in Germany
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