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Leaders Manchester City can restore a three-point lead at the top of the Premier League by beating visitors Fulham before second-placed Manchester United travel to Chelsea, who are fourth, on Sunday.

Premier League / Matchday 24
Etihad Stadium / 04.02.2012
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    Kelly with a decent cross as Davies attacks but Johnson eases him off the ball. Fulham want a penalty but no way. Good defending.
    Hmmm, I need to see that from the side because it again looks like a dive from Johnson. Great skill to get in behind Baird but he seemed to fling himself to the ground with no contact whatsoever.
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    Baird this time seems to take Johnson down from behind, in the box, but this time the ref says no penalty!
    Back to the match and little change - all City in terms of possession as Fulham have everyone in their own half. Hangeland shepherds it back to Schwarzer, poor kick though and Nasri feeds Kolarov but no-one gets a touch to it and out for a throw on the right.
    Looking at the replay of the penalty incident again, Baird did initially flick his leg out but it had been retracted before Johnson wrapped his foot around the Northern Irishman's ankle. Happened in a jiffy but when I saw it I felt it was a dive and I'm not changing my mind after seeing replays. Sure City fans would disagree...
    Taken short and low to Kolarov who shoots low, poor effort but it could be turned in by Dzeko, who doesn't get good contact on it.
    Wide to Nasri from Silva, he has Kolarov on the overlap but he can't shoot and cleared to touch. City corner.
    Dempsey is leading the Fulham response here but he lacks support. By the time it comes, City clear.
    Dempsey takes it on the chest, flicks it up and tries a speculative and spectacular effort but a long way off target. Who does he think he is, Frazer Campbell?
    Fulham may feel aggrieved but they have been poor so far, barely able to get out of their half.
    Handball against Richards as he bundles past Baird on the right.
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    What do you think about that, if you were fortunate enough to see it? Baird left a leg out but Johnson played for it in my view. My Arsenal-supporting colleague disagrees, but he has a man-crush on Pires, who did the same some years ago.
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    AGUERO PUTS CITY AHEAD! Fine penalty into the top right but it should never have been given - Baird stuck his leg out but it was nowhere near Johnson, who dived and stuck his own leg out a la Bobby Pires back in the day.
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    Penalty City! Johnson on mazy run into the box and he seemed to stick his own leg out to Baird! He's conned the ref!
    Fulham aren't able to get out of their half at this early stage as City move in down the right. Johnson almost gets past Riise but his cross double-ricochets and it's a goal kick.
    Silva tries to squeeze the ball in for Dzeko with Nasri confusing defenders but Fulham manage to clear.
    That was a decent chance for City, who continue to hold on to the ball. Could be a long night for Fulham if Murphy and co. don't get their feet on it.
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    City swarm forward but a touch static in the final third as Fulham clear well. Now Nasri on the left spins in a nice cross that Dzeko meets but he flicks it over! Closed down well by Senderos, difficult angle for him.
    City keep the ball for some time as Fulham already sit deeper than they would like,
    City have started pretty cagily, which suits Fulham. Just getting used to the conditions.
    Good ball from Silva and Dzeko is in but he scoops the shot too close to Schwarzer who saves easily.