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Good afternoon and welcome to LIVE coverage of Swansea against Chelsea from the Premier League. Teams coming right up for you.

Premier League / Matchday 10 Stadium / 03.11.2012
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Desmond Kane

Updated 03/11/2012 at 17:03 GMT

Difficult really to get any power on that header from the floated cross by Torres. Oscar collects moments later in the middle of the park for the visitors.
Moses picked out by Torres, but he can only head over the bar from five yards out.
Hazard on a good run. Darts to the edge of the home area. Cracks a shot at goal, but Tremmel dives low to his right to make the stop. Comfortable in the end.
Ivanovic knocks the ball away from Hernandez with Cahill struggling to close down ground.
Chelsea one point behind leaders Manchester United at the top of the Premier League as we stand after their 2-1 win over Arsenal earlier in the day.
Oscar throws in a corner early in the second period, but Michu is ideally positioned to head the danger clear.
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Change for Chelsea at the break with Romeu departing to be replaced by Ramires. Bit of an offensive move.
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Swansea get the second half off and running. Amid some music blaring out of the tannoy system.
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There goes the whistle for the break. 0-0 at half-time. Not much to split these teams at the moment.
We are into one minute of time added on to the first period after Williams gets back to snuff out a potential attack by Torres.
Chelsea try to find a goal before the break. So easy on the eye Chelsea, but not really going anywhere with it. Cahill makes a strong surge forward, but Monk clears the danger.
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Right on cue, there is another booking as Davies is taken out of the action late by Azpilicueta, who is rightly booked for that challenge.
Williams was strong covering the run of Hazard and Swansea earn the goalkick. Solid piece of defending by Williams.
Hazard over the free-kick. Tries to pick out Cahill in the middle, but overcooks the delivery as it speeds out of play for a goalkick to the home side.
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Monk helps away the cross by Moses before Britton is booked for a late one on Hazard. Bit of a harsh decision. First booking of the day. More to follow surely.
Swansea have matches coming up against Southampton, Newcastle, Liverpool and West Bromwich Albion coming up after this match in November.
De Guzman taken out of the game late by Torres. Friend so far resisting the urge to brandish that yellow card of his. Or red for that matter.
Michu gets on the end of a loose ball, but it breaks kindly for Cech in the visiting goal. This game yet to truly settle into any sort of pattern.
Mikel seems set to pick up a booking for a late one on De Guzman. But referee lets him off. Fortunate to escape a yellow there.
Little chip into the box by Hazard is well defended by Williams. Cahill and De Guzman challenge Cahill for ball before Cahill shoves De Guzman on the ground.
Fine tackle by Monk, but he is harshly penalised. Was never a free-kick. Hazard going to let fly from 25 yards.